Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Miano Extends Madaraka Day Greetings to Kenyans


In a heartfelt message marking the occasion of Madaraka Day, Cabinet Secretary for Investment, Trade, and Industry, Rebecca Miano EGH, took a moment to extend warm wishes to all Kenyans. This annual celebration holds great significance, symbolizing the nation’s journey towards freedom and self-governance.

“Happy Madaraka Day!” expressed Secretary Miano, encapsulating the spirit of the day. She emphasized the importance of commemorating the sacrifices made by the country’s forefathers in securing independence, laying the foundation for present and future generations to thrive.

As Kenya reflects on its history and achievements, Secretary Miano urged citizens to unite in their efforts to build a brighter future together. With a shared vision and collective determination, she emphasized the potential for continued progress and prosperity across the nation.

Madaraka Day, observed on June 1st each year, serves as a reminder of Kenya’s resilience, unity, and unwavering commitment to realizing its full potential. Secretary Miano’s message resonates deeply with citizens, encouraging them to honor the legacy of the past while embracing the opportunities of the future.

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