Calls For Ruto to Sit With Raila to Stop Maandamano Are How we Build Raila’s ‘god’ Complex- Ngunjiri Wambugu


In August 2022 many people lost elections – some with very slim margins. Others won on the same basis. (A close friend won his re-election bid with 300 votes, & he’s the undisputed MP!).

No one is telling any of the winners to meet the person they defeated, & discuss how to work together and/or stabilize their ward, Constituency or County. The reason being that no other loser of an election is out there inciting his or her followers against the person they lost against.

Except Raila. With Ruto.

And then some of us think President Ruto should seat with Raila Odinga to discuss how to stop demonstrations! Demos called by Raila on the basis that Ruto is NOT legitimately in office?

This is how we spoil Raila! We allow him to believe that he is above the law: that rules that apply to other leaders do NOT apply to him. We build up his ‘god’ complex. And now he might very well use it to destroy our country.

Raila must be told to accept that he lost the elections to Ruto. We must also tell him that it’s his responsibility – like all those who lose – to tell his supporters that he lost, and ask them to stand-down campaigns when elections are over. This is what mature politicians do.

Let us all let Ruto do his bit. It’s his season. We can criticize him all we want; but we cannot do it on the basis of inciting people that he’s illegitimately in office. That’s #upuz. Elections are done. Let those who won do the work. Tutakutana tena in 4 years, God Willing.

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