CCU Reviews crucial FLLoCA documents


Trans Nzoia County Climate Change Unit (CCU) is in the process of reviewing crucial blueprints that will guide implementation of the Financing Locally Led Climate Change Actions (FLLoCA) program.
The Unit reviewed the Stakeholders Engagement Plan (SEP), Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), Participatory Climate Risk Assessment (PCRA), Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) and Waste Management Plan (WMP) with the view of enriching their contents.
Further, the Unit which is under the department of Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change (WENRCC) also prepared the popular versions of the PCRA and CCAP documents for ease of readership.
Briefing the WENRCC County Executive Sam Ojwang on the progress, CCU Focal Person Godfrey Wekesa said the Climate Change Co-Funding document had been thoroughly done and was ready for presentation to the County Climate Change Planning Committee (CCPC).
The documents will then be approved by the CCPC before they are subjected to subsequent levels which include submission to the Executive, Public Participation exercise and approval by the County Assembly.
Speaking at the closure of the three days exercise at the Mabanga Agricultural Training Centre on Saturday, Mr. Ojwang (CECM) hailed the CCU for its endeavoured efforts to draft the documents that will support environmental safeguards for generations to come.
He pledged support to ensure that the implementation of the FLLoCA program is carried out well noting that it was for the good of the future generations citing that climate change was a monster that had really affected the globe and need collective approach in tackling.
Speaking elsewhere, WENRCC Chief Officer Dorothy Nyukuri said the department is working with partners including the GIZ Foundation which has been supporting the course, to produce the documents in printout forms.

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