Child Fund Climate Change Resilience Project


ChildFund and Dow on Wednesday launched the Regreening Africa Project to counter the impacts of climate change and imrove resilence and adaptability of youth, women and children in Nairobi, Makueni, and Kajiado counties in Kenya.
The ksh 13 million project will bring together partners to work with youth and women to establish tree nurseries as sustainable income-regenerating enterprises and climate change mitigation. The youth will then be trained to operatecommercial fruit and agroforestry trr nursreries that will be sold to schools , individuals ,and communities, supportindg reforestation, enhancedenvironmental conservation and green communities while mitigating the impacts of climate change. The fruit trees include ovacadoes, mangoes, oranges and moringa.

The launch was presided over by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Forestry Hon. Soipan Tuya, who called for collaboration by all stakeholders to combart climate change. “In the face of our shared environmental changes, let us unite as stewards of our country .As stipulated in my ministry’s Strategic Plan (2023-2027) and the National Climate Change Action Plan,the urgency of climate action demands a collaborative effort from stakeholders , governments, communities, the private sector, and NGO’s alike. Let this be a shared journey where each contribution, big or small, becomesa vital step towards a greener, more resilient nation.”

County Minister for Lands Urban Planning and Development, Environment and Climate Change Makueni County and climate change Abassador Dr. Sonia Nzilani said that Makueni has 344 million target and already had planted 5 million. The partnership with ChildFund will help inrease forest cover of 20% by 2027. Makueni county has ambitious projects of storing wetlands for sustainability.
Nicholas Masila Nzioka,County Executive Committee Member of Gender Children Youth Sports and Socil Services Makueni county, emphasized that children plays a critical role in regreening Africa. “Children cannot lie” adding that training children on how to plant and taking care of tree and forest is pivotal.

Over the past two decades, climate change has exacerbated resource-based conflicts and communal violence mainly in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) in Kenya. In September 2021 the Governmentof Kenya declared drought affecting most parts of the country a national disaster.
Widespread livestock death, low livestock productivity, very low cropping levels and sharp declines in purchasing power have created large food consumption gaps and high levels of acute malnutrition among millions of households in estern and nothern Kenya. Youth, women, and children in arid and semi-arid regions bear the brunt of these challenges. They make up the largest proportion of people whose livelihoods are dependenton rapidly degrading land and livestock.

Forest Principal Secretary Gitonga Mugambi (cutting ribbon) launches the Greening Africa project at a Nairobi hotel. Looking on are ChildFund Kenya Country Director Alice Anukur, Dow Chemical East Africa Managing Director Leonard Kareko and ChildFund Africa region director Chege Ngugi. The project aspires to plant 130,000 trees in three counties over the next two years.

“Climate change poses a significant risk to the social economic development of communities in Kenya and Africa as a whole. Dow is activelyaddressing this challenge by collaborating with non-governental organizations, governments, and local communities to foster collective eforts,”said Leonard Kareko Dow East Africa. “By implementing well-crafted solutions, forging cross-sector partnerships, and investing in innovation and infrastracture, we can collectively confront and overcome the challenges posed by climate change and create resilience in our community.

“This project represents an important milestone in our drive to promote community-led climate action and tackle the high level of youth unemployment across Africa by creating green jobs,” said Chege Ngugi, ChildFund International Africa Regional Director. “Regreening Africa will pave the way for decent employment while simultaneouslybuilding climate resilience and paving the way toward a greener, more environmentalally sustainable future, championed by our vibrant youth and women.

“Our goal is to ensure that December 2024, 600 youth and 300 women will be engaged in climate-smart green enterprises , promoting reforestation and resulting in increased incomes,” said ChildFund Country Director Alice Anukur. Over 130,000 trees including grafted ovacadoes , mangoes, oranges, macadamia, and moringa will be planted ; and 600 children will have access to nutritious and fortified moringa food to improve their nutrition.”

ChildFund and its implementing partners rae optimistic about greater collaboration among various government stakeholders, industry, civil society organizations, and international organizations in the climate change action space for collective synergies that will safeguard the welfare of communuties and children.

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