Comfort Will Remain Blessed Now and in the Future


He is a God fearing man. Kind, golden hearted and a man of the people. He is the Managing Director of Comfort Homes which is Kenya’s leading real estate company. He is Honorable Doctor Hezekiah Kariuki Mwangi PhD.

Here is his prayer for today:

“Good morning family. Let’s pray and believe.

Our everlasting Father in heaven.

On this beautiful Tuesday morning, we come before you with hearts full of gratitude and thanksgiving. We thank you for the gift of a new day, for the breath of life that you have graciously granted us. We acknowledge that there are many who had hopes and dreams for today but did not have the opportunity to see it, and we pray for comfort and peace for their loved ones.
Today, we want to glorify you, Lord, for your faithfulness and for how far you have brought us. We recognize that every step we take is because of your guidance and provision. Thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon our lives, our families, and our country.
As we embark on this day, we humbly ask for your provision of our daily bread. Bless our work and businesses, and grant us success in all our endeavors. We pray for an abundance of customers and opportunities to grow and prosper.
Father, we also ask for your protection and guidance as we travel to different destinations and go about our daily activities. Shield us from accidents, dangers, and any form of evil that may come our way. Keep us safe and secure under your loving care.
Lastly, we lift up our hearts and souls to you, asking for your divine wisdom and discernment in all that we do. May our actions and words bring glory to your name and reflect your love and grace to those around us.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”

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