County Confiscates Approximately 1000 Rolls of Bhang


The County Government of Uasin Gishu is taking strong measures to combat the distribution and consumption of illicit brews and related substances.

To safeguard county residents from harmful substances, officers from the Alcoholic Drinks Control Board conducted an operation in Moisbridge Ward Soy Sub County.

The operation led to the confiscation of approximately 1000 rolls and 50 bundles of cannabis sativa, commonly known as marijuana, this being a significant achievement in the fight against drug abuse and the illegal sale of narcotics in the county.

The County Government’s commitment to curbing the consumption of illicit brews and substances is key because drug abuse has detrimental effects on individuals, families, and communities as a whole leading to a wide range of health problems, including addiction, mental health issues, death and also poses as a threat to the security and stability of the county.

Speaking during a recent operation, Dr Joyce Sang, the Chief Officer for Promotive and Preventive Health emphasized the importance of tackling this issue head-on as she stated that the County Government is dedicated to promoting a healthy and productive society free from the dangers of drug abuse.

“This operation is just one step in a comprehensive strategy to combat the consumption of illicit brews and substances and as a department, we aim to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse through educational campaigns and community outreach programs

“By empowering individuals with knowledge and providing access to rehabilitation services, we hope to steer individuals away from the destructive path of addiction,” says Dr Sang.

She urged the operation team to enhance their efforts and dedication in enforcing the law and ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents are adhered to.

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