Decorated Photographer and DCI Graphic Designer Finally Laid to Rest


Bonface Muyonga Muganda, a decorated photographer, camera operator and graphics designer at DCI Headquarters was finally laid to rest at his rural home Shimanyiro village of Ikolomani in Kakamega County.

Bonnie met his death on the night of October 22, 2022 in a hit and run road traffic accident along the Northern Bypass in Kiambu County.

The deceased was headed home when a speeding motorist hit his speed bike, sprawling him on the tarmac.

Efforts by first responders to save Bonnie’s life bore no fruits as he succumbed minutes later on the way to hospital.

A report by the government Pathologist indicated that the deceased died as a result of severe blunt force trauma to various parts of the body including the head, chest and abdomen.

Bonnie’s mother Ms Willymina Gadi Muganda termed her late son as her heart and soul, who held the family of six together in thin and thick, and prayed that the Lord would show her the way to smile again.

The Director, DCI Mr Mohamed Amin who could not make it for the burial ceremony was represented by the Director of Legal services at DCI hqs Mr Amos Omuga, AIG, who conveyed Mr Amin’s message of condolence to the family.

Also gracing the funeral service was the Director, Regional Counter Terrorism Centre of Excellence Mr Gideon Kibunja, AIG among other senior officers.

Indeed, everyone who met Bonface Muganda in his lifetime knows that the world has been robbed of a vibrant, charming and gallant soul in the human form of Bonnie.

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