Delegated Legislation Committee Assured Cybercrime Regulations Won’t Harn Small Businesses


The National Assembly Delegated Legislation Committee, chaired by Hon. Samuel Chepkonga (Ainabkoi), today received assurance from Interior PS, Dr. Raymond Omollo that the new Cybercrime Regulations won’t harm small businesses.

Dr. Omollo reassured the MPs while appearing before the Committee to shed light on The Computer Misuse and Cybercrime (Critical Information Infrastructure and Cybercrime Management) Regulations, 2024.

During the session,the Chairperson led the Committee Members in raising concerns about the regulations’ potential effect on small enterprises.

” Will small businesses and start-ups be safe?” posed Hon Chepkonga.

PS Omollo in response explained that the Ministry had ensured that the regulations will make it easy for the small businesses to adjust to new technologies whenever a need arises.

“We have made it possible for small business operators to continue doing their work without being worried at how the big multinationals are operating,” stated the Interior PS.

Dr. Omollo told the MPs that the regulations had been subjected to adequate public participation, with the team that developed the regulations visiting different parts of the country to collect views.

He revealed that they also benchmarked on the best practices with developing nations including Israel, United States, United Kingdom, Australia and India before coming up with regulations and also had an engagement with Google and Microsoft.

The regulations among other things seek to establish a robust framework for detecting and responding to cyber threats, while streamlining reporting processes, with the establishment of dedicated cybercrimes desks in every police station.

Additionally, they are intended to address cybercrimes, protect Kenya’s digital assets.

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