Digitisation of Govt. Services A Welcome Move


Kenya National Police Deposit Taking Sacco Chairman David Sohelo Mategwa has expressed his unwavering support to His Excellency The President’s move to digitise all public services.

The sharp, eloquent, focused, results oriented Chairman termed the move as the best in improving efficiency of Government services

He at the same time noted that it will go a long way in curbing leakages.

His Excellency The President Dr William Ruto presided over the digitisation launch at the KICC and he noted:

“The digitisation of Government will enhance accessibility, efficiency and inclusivity in service delivery by eliminating corruption, wastage and discrimination. This new move will make it possible for millions of Kenyans to enjoy the services from any part of the world using their devices.

Our partnership with the private sector will help us to set up the Gava Express, which will be available in more than 250,000 M-Pesa shops, 28,000 KCB shops, 40,000 Equity shops and 22,000 Cooperative Bank shops to serve those without smartphones.

Unveiled the Gava Mkononi at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi County. No Government service will be paid for in cash in the next 30 days. Treasury will manage a single Pay Bill, 222 222.”

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