Dr. Ekrah Ndungu Thoughts on Boy Child


Dr. Ekrah Ndungu has taken a moment to share with us her insights abouth the status of the boy child. Here is what she has to share with us:

“I’ve woken up thinking about the boy crisis.
To all Parents raising boys, we have a boy crisis, what can we do about it? It’s been a challenge as sometimes I get parents bringing me their sons to speak to them. But that’s one or two that we’ve access to each other, but I believe they need male mentors and male figures more than women who’re their masculine.

Dr. Ekrah Ndungu Thoughts on Boy Child

We need more men to be mentors in this generation for the sake of our future generation. We need to raise men who’ll be their masculine leaders, providers, fathers, mentors, and whole men without childhood traumas to recover from. Men who’ll not feel like too much is demanded of them when they’re supposed to do what they ought to do. Men who’ll not seek validation by trying out multiple women, Men who’ll not be looking for a missing piece of themselves by changing women, Men who’ll not have anger issues or use violence as a reminder they’re men, but they’ll be whole & confident of themselves. Men who’ll match the ever over-nurtured girlchild for decades now, Men who’ll maximize their full potential…that’s the generation that we should envision, that’s the generation that we should nurture, that’s the generation we pray into becoming!

BOY crisis is based on 2018 research by American Professors, the research identified a crisis of education, a crisis of physical health, a crisis of economic health, and a crisis of mental health. All these lead to a void of purpose in many young men’s lives, and a consequent struggle to achieve a sense of self-worth. Professors Farrell and Gray do not suggest that schools caused the crisis; They believe schools contributed to the crisis early in its existence and remain complicit. In this country parents, especially single parents can also agree with this research because some teachers tend to label kids from single set up households. However, these Professors, Instead place more of the blame for the crisis on today’s men who father children and then disappear from their lives, through abandonment, incarceration, or divorce.
High rates of divorce and society’s treatment of divorced fathers as second-class parent has created father deprivation for millions of children. However, having an absent father in the home has more negative effects on boys than it does on girls, and the negative effects are devastating on boys.
The authors document a significant amount of research data that confirms fatherless boys are subject to a host of serious educational and social maladies and suffer the consequences of low achievement, failed relationships, poor health outcomes, criminal activity, mental illness, and suicide.
These three books
1.The BOY Crisis by Professors Warren Farell and John Gray
2.Be A Man My Son by Norman Nel and
3. You have a brain by Ben Carson
I recommend those books to any parent bringing up a boy…whether you’re doing it alone as a single, divorced widowed mom or in a complete family unit with a present father.
The best mentor is God’s mentor but you can still top it up with some wisdom from books. So long as your son is 10 years and above…..bring up a man, you’re raising someone’s husband, a father, and a societal icon, raise a good one for this generation & coming generations!! Obama’s mom was able to do it, Ben Carson’s mom was able to do it, plus many other local examples. Single moms, you can give it your best shot!
Let’s change from the current generation’s experiences and create a better world for future generations by raising great men. Those who’re blessed with sons, I remind you, you’re raising a generation according to our life manual read Psalms 127:3 sons are a heritage from the LORD (a generation) You’re raising a generation! Be careful to raise a good one!
Immediately the post elicited some very positive comments starting with a comment from Optiven founder & CEO Dr. George Wachiuri who noted: “Very great article. I require those three books. Well done
Another netizen Mr. Sammy Thuku observed: “I agree with your observations Daktari. The boy in our society indeed needs more than words, they need mentors who are deliberate in passing masculine value to our boys. Unfortunately, this is not happening and the few coming up are faced with the problem of drugs, alcoholism, and identity Crisis and they also end up in drains. This discussion about the boy must remain alive in every saccos, in church, schools, colleges, and universities, and even in our villages. We must not be silent otherwise we will lose a generation.”
Yet another one Bishop Dr. Anabel Anagard Njiiri Ph.D. Founder of Favored Warriors Gospel Ministry and President of LIBU; observed: “I concur with you, Doc. Our boys need real men mentors. There is always that feeling in a boy child that even their mothers, no matter how educated, how Professional they are, they are still women whom they feel obligated to protect and take care of.
A man is a man no matter the age! Let all men’s mentors raise and help us mentor our boy child. My heart feels for this neglected generation.”

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