Dr Joyce Sang: Burning Chamber at Mogoon Dispensary Will Be Vital in Waste Management


Uasin Gishu County Chief Officer for Clinical Services Dr Joyce Sang has said the Department of Health is expediting the construction of a burning chamber at Mogoon Dispensary.

The burning chamber is a vital component in maintaining the hygiene and cleanliness of the facility, and its timely completion is crucial for the effective operation of the dispensary.

Dr. Sang highlighted the significance of the burning chamber in ensuring proper waste management at the dispensary.

“With medical facilities generating a significant amount of hazardous and infectious waste on a daily basis, having a functioning burning chamber is essential for the safe disposal of these materials.”

“…improper disposal of medical waste can pose serious health risks to both patients and healthcare workers, as well as the surrounding community,” said Dr Sang.

The Chief Officer stressed the need for the contractor to prioritize the construction of the burning chamber to prevent any delays in its completion, adding that with a functional burning chamber, the health facility is able to maintain high standards of proper disposal of medical waste.

The CO also represented Governor Dr Jonathan Bii in the burial of Philip Agui Tanui in Kipsomba Ward, Soy Sub County.

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