EAC Ministers’ Regional Connectivity Efforts Applauded by President Kagame: Cabinet Secretary Murkomen


In a pivotal exchange aimed at bolstering regional integration, His Excellency President Paul Kagame engaged in constructive discussions with East African Community (EAC) Ministers, focusing on optimizing transportation infrastructure to facilitate the seamless movement of goods across the region.

During the dialogue, which centered on leveraging key transport nodes such as the Mombasa Port, the Naivasha dry port, and the Northern corridor, President Kagame extended commendation to the EAC Ministers for their proactive approach in enhancing regional connectivity.

As the Cabinet Secretary for Roads, it was an honor to participate in discussions that underscored the critical importance of collaboration and innovation in advancing economic integration and fostering shared prosperity among member states.

President Kagame’s recognition of the EAC Ministers’ efforts serves as a testament to their unwavering commitment to promoting cross-border trade and streamlining logistical operations within the region.

Emphasizing the need for continued cooperation and coordination, President Kagame and the EAC Ministers explored strategies aimed at maximizing the utilization of existing infrastructure and implementing forward-thinking solutions to address transportation challenges.

As we collectively strive to realize the vision of a more interconnected and economically vibrant East Africa, the endorsement from President Kagame reaffirms the significance of our ongoing initiatives and underscores the potential for sustained growth and development across the region.

Moving forward, the collaboration between President Kagame and the EAC Ministers will remain pivotal in driving forward the agenda of regional integration and fostering a conducive environment for trade and investment in East Africa.

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