Eldoret Human Rights Activist Want Gen-Z to Stop Demomstration


In a tumultuous turn of events, what began as peaceful demonstrations by Gen Z activists swiftly descended into chaos and violence yesterday in Eldoret. The protests, initially aimed at opposing the 2024 Finance Bill, took a violent turn despite President’s recent concession to withdraw the contentious legislation.

“We condemn the violence and wanton destruction of property,” stated Kimutai Kirui, a prominent human rights activist in Eldoret. “The President has responded to the concerns by withdrawing the Finance Bill. Continuing violent protests undermine your cause and only lead to lawlessness.”

The streets of Eldoret witnessed scenes of unrest as some demonstrators resorted to hurling stones and engaging in acts of vandalism. Kirui emphasized that such actions do not represent the peaceful intentions of the majority but instead blur the lines between legitimate protest and criminal behavior.

“Politicians and criminals have infiltrated the protests,” Kirui lamented. “These stone throwers and vandals are not peaceful demonstrators; they are endangering lives and property.”

Security agencies responded swiftly to restore order, deploying measures to protect citizens and public infrastructure. “The mandate of security agencies is clear: to secure property and lives,” Kirui affirmed. “They are justified in using necessary force to subdue those who threaten public safety.”

As Eldoret grapples with the aftermath of yesterday’s unrest, Kirui urged fellow activists to reconsider their approach. “Violent protests yield no meaningful results; they only foster an environment of anarchy,” he concluded. “Let us uphold the principles of peaceful protest and engage in constructive dialogue to achieve our goals.”

The events in Eldoret serve as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between exercising the right to protest and maintaining public order, highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by both activists and authorities in managing dissent effectively.

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