Environment, Forestry and Mining Committee Gathers Public Input on Legislative Reforms For Mining Sector


The Departmental Committee on Environment, Forestry, and Mining is presently conducting public hearings regarding two Bills aimed at reforming the mining sector in the country.

The proposed legislation includes the Mining (Amendment) Bill, 2023 sponsored by Hon. David Gikaria, MP, and the Gold Processing Bill, 2023 sponsored by Hon. Bernard Shinali, MP.

The committee has organized itself into two delegations. One team, led by Committee Chair Hon. David Gikaria MP (Nakuru Town East), conducted the hearings in Kericho, while the other team covered Kilifi County, led by Hon. Feisal Salim.

In his remarks, Hon. Gikaria emphasized the importance of investing in value addition mechanisms within the mining sector to enhance income for miners and the nation at large.

“Investing in processing plants that add value to our raw minerals will not only boost revenue but also create employment opportunities within our communities,” stated Gikaria.

He further highlighted the escalating incidences of illegal mining in the country and stressed the necessity for a proper laboratory to analyze mineral samples domestically, aiming to curb exploitation of local miners by unscrupulous individuals.

The Mining (Amendment) Bill, 2023 seeks to amend the Mining Act, 2016, to establish a Mining Regulatory Authority and a Mining Rights Tribunal.

If enacted, this legislation would establish a Mining Regulatory Authority responsible for administrative functions, supplanting the current Mining Rights Board.

Additionally, a 5-Member tribunal, appointed by the chief justice, will be constituted to resolve mining-related disputes.

The Gold Processing Bill, 2023 aims to provide a regulatory framework for trading in gold and gold products in Kenya.

Local stakeholders have urged the committee to fortify regulations ensuring that revenues from mining activities benefit the community.

Among the concerns raised by locals was the necessity to regulate the mining sector by closing all illegal mining sites to safeguard citizens. They referenced recent incidents of mine collapses resulting in fatalities among those trapped in deep excavations while extracting minerals.

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