Fastruck Formality of University Fund- Likuyani MP


Likuyani MP Innocent Mugabe has urged the government to first truck the formality of university funds to allow students joining the university to get funds.

This will enable them to continue with their learning without worries about getting out of school to look for funds.

Speaking during handing over of CDF renovated classes at Likuyani, Mugabe said that MPs are unable to disperse funds to university student’s bursaries because there is no proper way of giving bursaries to university students which he said might affect learners who are unable to pay University fees.
“ I urge the government to release cash meant for schools which he said since last year schools have not received recuperation funds making many schools unable to run their programmes effectively, he urged the government to make sure learners are not sent back home because of fees as they grable to meet school programmes without funds,” he said.

He said many parents are unable to register their learners in primary certificate final exams due to a lack of birth certificates.

“Many parents in rural areas have found it difficult to register as head teachers send back learners to look for birth certificates urging the ministry for education to liaise with the office of registration and take those services to schools to ease the problem of parents who want to register their learners and are unable due to long distances of getting the certificate,” he added.

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