Government and Industry Stakeholders Discuss Strategies to Boost Mining Sector Growth


In a significant move towards strengthening Kenya’s mining sector, the State Department for Mining, led by Principal Secretary Elijah G. Mwangi, convened a consultative meeting with the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) and key players in the cement and quarry sub-sectors. The meeting, held today, was aimed at addressing critical issues affecting the sector and exploring opportunities for growth.

The discussions centered on various pivotal aspects of the mining industry, including compliance standards, the status of royalties due to the national government, the issuance of mineral licenses, County Cess levies, and the use of explosives in quarrying. KAM’s input was highlighted as a crucial element in shaping national policy and legislative frameworks that impact the mining sector’s development.

The government reiterated its commitment to fostering a conducive environment for mining operations by removing obstacles that hinder smooth operation. This approach is expected to unlock the sector’s potential, generate employment, and enhance state revenue.

Key points from the engagement included:

Compliance with Mining Laws: The government emphasized the importance of adherence to existing mining regulations, including the implementation of post-mining rehabilitation plans to address environmental concerns. Non-remittance of royalties and illegal use of explosives were identified as serious violations that need to be addressed.

Royalty Payments: Investors with outstanding royalties were urged to submit detailed payment plans to clear their dues within reasonable timelines. Each case will be reviewed individually to facilitate resolution.

Explosive Use Regulations: Quarry operators were instructed to source explosives only from licensed dealers and employ certified blasters to prevent illegal practices and ensure safety.

The State Department for Mining vowed to enhance its collaboration with KAM and industry players to boost efficiency, improve profitability, and drive job creation. This partnership is seen as essential for addressing sector challenges and maximizing economic benefits from mining activities.

The government and industry stakeholders remain dedicated to working together to advance Kenya’s mining sector, ensuring it contributes positively to the national economy while adhering to legal and environmental standards.

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