Governor Bii Mourns the Death of 5 Students of Arap Moi Primary School


Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii has mourned the death of five students of Arap Moi Primary School
after the boat they were sailing in capsized.

According to a police report, the five were part of a group of Standard Six and Standard Eight pupils accompanied by teachers to a hotel for recreational activities.

“Reports have brought to light a heartbreaking drowning incident that occurred this evening. Our hearts go out to the affected families, and our thoughts and prayers are with the school as well as with the pupils who are currently undergoing treatment at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, ” governor Bii said.

He noted that the preliminary information they have received indicates that this sorrowful event that claimed five innocent lives took place at a man-made lake within a nearby amusement park.

“During this difficult time, we call for calm and unity as we come together to support one another through this tragic loss. Poleni Sana!, ” he added.

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