Governor Natembeya and Kibabii University Sign MoU for Cultural and Educational Partnership


The County Government of Trans Nzoia (CGTN) and Kibabii University (KIBU) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at enhancing cultural and educational collaboration in the region.

The agreement, which was formalized today at the County Headquarters, outlines joint initiatives in research, capacity building, and cultural preservation.

The partnership’s centerpiece will be the establishment of a Ken Walibora Corner at the Kitale Museum, a resource center dedicated to promoting local languages and cultural heritage.

The country government of Trans Nzoia will provide space within the museum, while Kibabii University will contribute books and academic materials to support the corner.

In addition to the Ken Walibora Corner, the MoU covers areas such as joint research on local languages and culture, the organization of conferences and seminars, capacity building for county library staff, and professional development initiatives.

Both parties also aim to collaborate on cultural events and activities to promote harmonious coexistence among communities in the region.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya emphasized the importance of the partnership for cultural preservation.

“This MoU will strengthen our county’s cultural diversity and promote educational opportunities for our people,” Natembeya said.

Kibabii University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Isaac Ipara Odeo, highlighted the university’s role in fostering regional collaboration.
“This partnership will not only enhance academic research but also contribute to the documentation and promotion of indigenous knowledge,” he said.

The MoU, effective for five years, also includes provisions for intellectual property rights, dispute resolution, and periodic consultations to assess progress.

Both parties are committed to ensuring the success of the initiatives, with a joint steering committee appointed to oversee the implementation of projects.

No financial obligations are attached to the agreement, unless otherwise specified in future collaborative activities.

The MoU marks a significant step toward advancing cultural tourism and academic research in Trans Nzoia and surrounding counties.

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