Governor Natembeya, Health Partners hold dialogue on enhancing delivery of health services


Trans Nzoia governor George Natembeya on Friday held dialogue with partners in the Health and Sanitation sector operating within the county with the view of forging a common front in enhancing health services.

In the six hour long engagement, the over 30 organisations that were represented gave insights of their objectives, implementation plans and budgetary allocations for the projects or programs that they were running in the county.

The health programs implemented by the partners range from maternal and child care services, sensitisation and awareness creation on diseases, Family Planning, health workforce strengthening and tackling of neglected tropical diseases among many.

In his address, Natembeya called on the health partners to coordinate their activities to avoid wastage especially in cases where different organisations provide same line services citing that duplication of roles negatively impacts on the efficiency.

“We will have MoUs (Memorandum of Understanding) signed with you, for those who haven’t done this so that we can have a structured way of working together,” said the governor even as he pledged to ensure a friendly working environment.

Further, the county boss challenged the represented organisations to have not only their plans laid out but to have clear documentary evidence of their achievements in future engagements just as he called for quarterly meetings for such deliberations.

Governor Natembeya was accompanied by his Health and Sanitation County Executive Sam Ojwang, County Secretary Truphosa Amere and Chief Officer Dr. Judith Simiyu.

Among the organizations present were USAid Ampath, Uzima, Ampath RMNCAH, Chamas for Change, Marie Stopes, AMREF-NTD Program, Catholic Diocese of Kitale, Red Cross Society of Kenya, Think Well, World Vision and African Institute for Health & Development.

Others include In Supply, Wash Alliance Kenya, USAid PSE (Private Sector Engagement), Living Good-UMI , Health Rights JPHIEGO among others

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