Governor Natembeya Launches Borehole Project in Namanjalala


Governor George Natembeya Launching the Borehole Project in Namanjalala

Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya launched a borehole project on Friday that aims to increase water supply to the locals.

The project, which cost the county government Sh 3.2 million, was sunk at Namanjalala trading centre in Kapomboi ward, Kwanza sub-county.

Governor Natembeya said that the project was part of the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) for 2022/2023, which has seen 20 boreholes sunk and equipped across the county. He added that two more boreholes per ward are expected to be sunk during this financial year 2023/24.

The governor said that the 10,000-litre capacity tank will benefit the locals, who have never had access to clean piped water. “Today as we launch it, it’s my assurance that households will be connected with clean water,” he said.
He also said that his administration has laid down elaborate plans to provide clean water to all households in the five sub-counties. He noted that the county water coverage has surged to 75%, a significant improvement from the initial 47%.

Kapomboi ward representative Kefa Were praised the governor for addressing the pressing issues that affect the residents. He thanked the residents of Trans Nzoia for their continuous support to the governor and urged the political class that had turned against him to rethink their actions and support the county boss.

“Natembeya’s administration is focused on delivering development to the people and shouldn’t be politically shadow boxed. I will continue working with Governor George Natembeya despite being a member of the UDA,” he said.

Water, Environment and Climate Change CECM Sam Ojwang and his Chief Officer Dorothy Nyukuri also attended the function.

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