Have Done My Best-CEO Samchi Group


This sentence in the middle of anything, and when results are not as expected sends chills to me-:

Let me explain-:

If for example doctors treating your patient, tells you, we have done our best, we have done anything we possibly could, just know unless God intervenes they have reached their end and they don’t know what to do next. As long as there is hope, many doctors will push to reverse even a very, bad desperate situation.

It is the same with enterprenuership, when you say you have done your best and you are still in the game, yet the results are not the best, you might as well quit.


Your best has not produced the best. So what are you still doing in there? Take up something else where your best will produce the best.Right!

This applies too with employees. When an employee tells me they have done their best, yet KPI are way below expectations it sends a very desperate message. And what I wonder , is there room to get the best out of a person who believes they have done their best and their best is not my best! Surely something needs to change at that point.

At times I wonder whether it is a statement of giving up, or is it just a casual statement that people are used to making.

For me it deflates the hope I had or have in such a person. It’s like I need to go back to the drawing board and understand,

Where do we go from there ?

Giving up is never an option!

So -:

1) Review the assignment attached to this person, could there be a mismatch between the job and the holder of the job?

If so what must be done?

For me I will only use that statement when I know it’s over.

When I still believe something can be done to change the situation, I will hang on and push for the next best.

So when it looks like the results are not becoming,
I will try to identify what it is that needs to change.

Success is not an activity, it’s not about a point. It is about many moving parts coming together i.e. converging and birthing success.

As long as you don’t give up, there is still a chance of getting it right.

Your best , is better than your best , keep on improving it somehow.

In other words make today better than yesterday, and plan to make tomorrow better than today. A great mindset to have!

Have a great year ahead.

Madam CEO
Dr. Esther Muchemi is the founder and CEO of Samchi Group

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