House Debates the Geriatric Bill, Focused on Establishing Comprehensive Care For the Elderly


Githunguri MP The Hon Gathoni Wamuchomba

The National Assembly today debated the Geriatric Bill, No. 50 of 2022, which underwent its second reading on the floor of the House. The Bill, sponsored by Kiambu County MP, Hon. Gathoni Wamuchomba, aims to establish a comprehensive legal framework dedicated to safeguarding the dignity and respect of the elderly during their later years.

The Bill’s core mandate being to uphold and promote the rights of the elderly, as outlined in Article 57 of the Constitution of Kenya.

Specifically, the Bill seeks to address the establishment of a National Council of the Elderly, designed to oversee the care, empowerment, and protection of elderly individuals. It also encompasses provisions for the maintenance of their overall well-being, safety, and security, with a holistic approach to elderly support and welfare.

During the debate, the Legislators lauded Hon. Wamuchomba for her timely intervention in advocating for the welfare of the elderly, acknowledging the importance of providing care and support to this vulnerable demographic. The sentiments among the members were that it is high time that our elders received the attention and care they deserve.

Kajiado South MP. Hon Samuel Parashina, commended the Bill, emphasizing its relevance in addressing the increasing number of elderly individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who often find themselves neglected in their later years.

“This noble Bill could not have come at a better time. I am optimistic that this Bill, once enacted, will effectively implement Article 57 of the Constitution, ensuring the formulation of measures to cater to the needs of the elderly.” Stated Hon Parashina.

Busia County MP, Hon Catherine Omanyo when echoing the sentiments of her colleagues, reminded the House the importance of giving back to those who paved the way.

“The elderly need dignity, respect and a soft landing in their later years. This bill serves as a way of giving back to those who helped build this great Nation.” Stated Hon Omanyo

In moving her response, Hon Wamuchomba expressed gratitude for the support, contributions, and constructive criticism received regarding the Bill, which has been in the works since the year 2019 in the 12th parliament. She proposed deferring the question on the Bill to another day, assuring the Assembly that she would carefully consider all the input received to enhance the Bill’s effectiveness in serving all elderly persons.

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