I lost my business luggage in one of the North Eastern bound bus, however, the thief called himself saying, “Come for it please hurry up I am suffering”.


I had just given up with life in Nairobi when I decided to put together all my savings and
travel back home.
Before traveling, I had made a decision to use sh 100,000 savings in a mutumba
business. I went to the famous Gikomba market where I purchased clothes worth sh
75,000 and boarded a bus at Machakos Country bus ready to travel to Garissa.
My luggage had been stuffed in the boot under our seats as usual. It was not easy to
keep monitoring the luggage. Just like everyone else I was depending on mercies of
God to arrive safe with everything. But when we arrived in Garrisa, alighted from the
bus, I asked the turn-boy to give me my luggage. He opened where he had stuffed it
under the bus but could not find it. First I thought it was a joke. He then told me that I
had not traveled with my luggage. I immediately shouted to remind him that he was the
one who infact had put it in the bus. He refused and locked back the door then asked
his silent driver to speed off.
They left me hanging helplessly on the road before I decided to take a bodaboda home.
I went to my home dejected person. Life in Nairobi had been so tough and again, to add
salt to the injury, I had lost all my two year savings on the way! I was feeling like I
should commit suicide.
Noticing my unusual behavior, my elder sister moved close to where I was resting and
asked why I was tired. I opened up about what had happened to me along the way. She
told me to relax and take some tea first. She knew I was almost resigning up.
After an hour or so, she came back with an idea. She reckoned that we have to use all
means to recover our items. I asked what was on her mind when she encouraged me to

read a note advising people who had lost anything to approach one of the famous
Traditional Doctor who goes by the name of Mugwenu. The traditional doctor’s spell
casting powers work within 24 hours. He handles general problems ranging from
winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as
accurate prediction of one’s future. He heals blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers,
gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, and manhood weakness among other ailments.
The traditional doctor further solves life challenges, for instance, love issues, family
problems, hardships in business, increases your luck which is in, winning lottery games
and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and nightmares.
I liked this message and agreed with her idea. We called Mugwenu on +254 740637248
and luckily he picked. I narrated to him my full story before he asked me to remain silent
as he did some spells through the phone. Distance was not a big barrier here. Believe it
or not, after just six days, and since my luggage had my contacts, someone called
asking if I was the owner of the luggage. She said, “NImevumilia kwa muda lakini
naumia. Siwezi kulala vizuri tangu nipate hii mzigo kujia haraka haraka,” I laughed
unbelievably and told Mugwenu about it before he advised me to ask the fool to send it
to me through the poster. I finally recovered my full luggage intact. Mugwenu is the best
thing that ever happened to this earth.
Should you find that things are not working as you want them to, just connect with
Mugwenu Doctors. Call – +254740637248. Website – www.mugwenudoctors.com.
Email: mugwenudoctors@gmail.com

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