I Will Deliver my Promises-Kakamega governor


Kakamega County Governor Fernandes Barasa now says his Administration will deliver its development agenda for the residents of Kakamega County as promised in the August general elections.

Speaking during the funeral of his mother Mama Philomena Mutelwa Barasa at Muroni school grounds in Mumias East Sub-County where he called on collaboration between key players among them the National Government and County Assembly to realize the much awaited development in the County.

“I will fairly and uniformly roll out development in every region of our county; let our track record speak for itself when that time comes,” FCPA Barasa said as he thanked mourners for condoling with him following the demise of his mother.

Azimio party leader Raila Amolo Odinga who led a host of dignitaries from across the political divide in paying their last respects to Mama Philomena discouraged the National Government from raising taxes without involving citizens through a public participation exercise.

Odinga further called for equality in distribution of the national cake by the Government saying all regions should benefit from the allocation despite their voting pattern during the August General elections. He decried the high cost of living and challenged the Kenya Kwanza Government to live up to its promises.

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