Kenyans React After Governor George Natembeya Posted a TBT Photo


Kenyans have reacted after Transnzoia governor George Natembeya posted a throw back photo.

Through his official Facebook page he posted “Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete. The journey is a reward. Stay patient and trust your journey.Tbt while serving at Ainabkoi Division as a D.Blessed Thursday,”

Natembeya was recenty elected as Transnzoia County governor after defeating Chris Wamalwa who was vying on a Ford Kenya party ticket.

He vied on a DAPK party ticket.

Before his election he was Riftvalley regional commissioner.

His post recieved mixed reactions here are some of their comments.

Chris Ondari says “Count your blessings one by one n thank God sir, He is the giver of everything,”

Ferdinand Watila says “Sure mheshimiwa I remember and am very happy for the photo. It shows how far you have come my brother God is with you. As a chosen leader,”

Onyi Da Eve says “What an inspiration! God is indeed faithful once you trust the process,”

Jonathan Nyangweso says “Your wording makes me move, kudos and looking forward to see you become western kingpin,”

Simon Wanjala says “Now you know where you have come from, remember there are some still there how will you empower them to reach where you are now,”

Nyangayo “RC…i willl always call you RC for you left indelible marks that will never be erased..You are an example of persistence .Tuko nyuma yako Sir Natembeya ipo siku,”

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