Madam CEO thoughts on social media


This, without a doubt, has disrupted the way we do our things, including our businesses.

I have observed a certain matter and, as a business leader, have wondered -:

Tell me honestly, where do employed people get the courage to post their side hustles on their status, a place they know their employer will see it, especially those who believe in total commitment to the assignment given to them? Personally, I consider side hustles as sideshows.

Well, well, I thought -:

Never put on social media anything which, if you were put into a corner, you would not explain, or you would be ashamed of now or in the future.

Anything, for example, your children, your parents, your employees, your employers, your best friend, your potential spouse, your pastor, your congregation, etc., would feel is a bit too much….

And if in doubt, please leave it out.

And for me, the biggest barometer to this is-:

Is it morally right?

And I am aware this is difficult to define for and by different people.

But tell you what, a lot of times our conscience judges us when we do what is generally not acceptable before our Maker and man, and honestly, that’s it! Don’t fight that which your conscience, in the silence of silence, tells you is wrong.

And so at end the of day, money is good and fame is great too, but remember a good name, good reputation and good character beats them all. Consider this as you present yourself on social media.

Avoid what is destructive and build on what builds, i.e., builds you , others and is morally right.

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