MELTA Chair: Don’t Gag The Hospitality Sector


Chairman of medium liquor traders association frank Mbogo has shared with us his thoughts urging the authorities not to criminalise the hospitality industry which definitely plays a pivotal role in economic development of our Nation

He notes,

“As part of the committee that was entrusted by the Nairobi City County Government under the leadership of H.E The Governor Sakaja Arthur Johnson to come up with an all inclusive recommendations, we urge our leaders not to criminalise the hospitality business but find good ways to regulate them working hand in hand with the stakeholders.

In relation to the all inclusive approach of solving challenges within the liquor industry, we condemn with the loudest voice the MCA’S from Nyandarua County who without being human think of closing down wines and spirits shops prior to seeking audience with the traders for lasting solutions to lend an ear to the challenges of concern.

Less we forget that the industry is a source of employment to over 1.2 million young and old Kenyans ,not forgetting those who benefit from it indirectly hence the more they come up with punitive laws the more they risk rendering people jobless.

Secondly, we echo our willingness and commitment to work with all authorities in the fight against illicit brew since the vision cannot be achieved in the absence of the liquor stakeholders
Finally, We MELTA acknowledge the Nairobi Governor’s all inclusive challenges solving approach and commit our support towards his dream of restoring sanity to the liquor industry while supporting a decently thriving business environment with a “City of order, dignity, hope and opportunity for all” mindset.

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