Medium Liquor Traders Association has expressed condolences and condemnation to the closure of law-abiding Bars and Clubs. Francis Mbogo which is the MELTA Chairman noted.

“We at MELTA (Small and Medium Liquor Traders Association), extend our deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of those who tragically lost their lives due to the consumption of illicit brews in Kirinyaga County. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time. We further express our condemnation of the decision by the county government of Kirinyaga under the leadership of its Governor to close licensed and complied bars and clubs instantly rendering over 5000 citizens jobless. While we understand the importance of public health and safety, we believe that this blanket closure has a devastating impact on the employment sector, particularly during these tough economic times.

The closure of law-abiding bars and clubs will result in significant job losses across the board, affecting bartenders, servers, security personnel, and other staff members who rely on these establishments for their livelihoods

“These individuals, many of whom are already struggling to make ends meet, will now face even greater financial hardship due to the sudden loss of employment. Furthermore, the closure of complied bars and clubs will have a ripple effect on the entire supply chain, impacting liquor distributors, manufacturers, mama mbogas, bodaboda riders and suppliers who rely on these establishments as their primary customers. This will ultimately lead to further job losses and economic instability in our communities. We urge the county government to reconsider its approach and work with stakeholders in the alcohol industry to find alternative solutions that prioritize public health while also supporting the livelihoods of those affected. We are committed to working together with the government of the day to address the underlying issues while fostering a thriving and responsible liquor industry promoting professionalism, ethical business practices and sustainable growth and ensure a safe environment for all members of our community.”

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