Men live in straight lines and when he’s cheating he always off signs


Men live in straight lines and when he’s cheating he always off signs.
Always. You should never believe these ladies who come up saying she discovered that her man had been cheating for years or even having a complete separate family. Such women are not really women in the truest sense of that word.
They’ve never become seasoned.

They sold out. Remember you have to be honest yourself in order to smell dishonesty from far.

This kind of women are either the economically weak and dependant type that never built a life and they depend on this man for life, or the other emotionally dependant type. They’re too afraid of facing existence alone and they opt to close their eyes just to stay with him. They cannot afford to rock the boat.

This is also the type that goes around trotting that men are meant to be roamers, every man cheats, and so forth. Of course they use these sentiments to soothe their self-chosen misery.

Others, however, argue like this knowing that distracted man is very easy to cheat on and she wanted her freedom to roam as well. She wanted the benefits of marriage and also the freedom of not being married.

In truth, an awakened woman is nearly impossible to cheat on. She will get a nudge and a gut feeling even when she is hundreds of kilometres away. Whether she sets out to verify, and how wisely she approaches the whole issue is a different affair.
A man who plans on cheating will look for a naive and unawakened girl and marry her before she comes to herself. He then conditions her never to question him.

After all, cheating men use the same simple tactics: they build a stone wall around their communications with the outside world; they move far away in the pretext of job to be out of sight. Those in military and police can even dupe the gullible woman that his premises are out of bounds for civilians.

Lastly, they damage her confidence, disempower her financially and keep her on a tight leash. From this weakened position she is voiceless and powerless.

In summary, never settle down. The view is very bad down there and you will be at a perpetual disadvantage. Things will ambush you every time.

Instead, always ascend and settle up. Take the pilgrimage of coming home to yourself before bringing anyone else in your life.

Otherwise you may bring in someone who prefers the embryonic version of you which is blind and voiceless. So they may oppose your attempts to journey on to maturation. Having no muscles or clarity, you may succumb and remain in the dark cages of immaturity for good.

This is not fiction but the fate of many who took lightly the incomparable importance to journey to their personal daybreak. So they walk around bound in internal darkness.

(©️ Benjamin Zulu Global)

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