Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) Leadership will adopt a five-year (2023-2028) Strategy in its quest to better healthcare service delivery.

The Strategy Document was deliberated upon during a 5-day Board Retreat held at The Alps Hotel, Nakuru.

MTRH Strategy will be premised on; Purpose,The True North, Vision, Mission, Values, Objectives and Key Results (OKR), and the Right Organizational Culture.

The Purpose being : “To be pro Health and promote Well Being of the People and the Planet where they live.”

The True North of MTRH is – Excellent Healthcare Delivery.

MTRH strives to be a Global Leader in Provision of Exceptional Multi-Specialty Healthcare, Training and Research.

Board Chair, Mr. Sitoyo Lopokoiyit noted that the Strategy coincides with launch of Government’s Medium Term Plan IV that will shape Country’s Development towards Vision 2030.

” MTRH is a key player in the health sector and as such our strategic projects will be aligned with the Development Agenda of the Government,” he stated.

MTRH CEO, Dr. Wilson K. Aruasa, MBS, EBS, outlined five strategies that will enable the Hospital to thrive; 1. Providing Responsive High Quality, Low-cost, Multi-Specialty Healthcare and Management Systems. 2. Enabling Environment for Healthcare Training, Research and Development & Innovation.

3.Strengthening Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations. 4. Providing Excellent Care and Exceptional Customer Experience. 5. Creating a Sustainable Revenue Base.

” Our approach to service is through Centres of Excellence (CoE) with the delivery of specialist and sub-specialized services. Further, we will continually grow Multi-Specialty medical disciplines supported by deployment of ICT to enhance efficiency and improve on customer experience,” said Dr. Aruasa.

He observed that the Hospital Management will seek to reduce cost of care, harnessing opportunities towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC), population health, healthcare financing, strategies for flexibility and resilience as well as strengthening Departments of the future including ; Supply Chain Management, Forensic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Engineering, Legal Services,
Administration, Research Development and Innovation, Laboratory, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Proton Therapy, Prediction Medicine, Big Data Analytics, Syndromic Surveillance and Artificial Intelligence among others.

” To realise our aspirations, we will leverage on our strengths such as: Leadership in Healthcare Management, Motivated and Specialized Human Resources for Health (HRH), Modernized Medical Equipment & Infrastructure, Pursuing and Strengthening Strategic Partnerships & Collaborations, Positive Industrial Relations, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Diversity and Transparency.”

The theme for the Retreat was: The True North, Purpose and Strategic Positioning of MTRH: “Lessons from the past and continual improvement for the future.”

Dr. Aruasa reiterated that MTRH will work with Counties and other stakeholders through Population Health, at the family/household unit; including on matters of health financing where sustainability is through a widget model-contribution by Household, County Government, National Government through National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and Development Partners.

Board Directors present at the Retreat ; Mr. Sitoyo Lopokoiyit Chairman, Madam Sharon Sang and Mr. Alois Nderi- Independent Directors, Dr. Michael Gichangi, Alternate-PS Health; Mr. Mark Lugwisa; Alternate CS- The National Treasury & Planning, Mr. James Muchiri, Alternate PS-State Department for University Education & Research, Mr. Jeremy Oloo, Alternate, Attorney General ;Prof. Tenge Kuremu, Principal, Moi University- College of Health Sciences; and CEO-MTRH, Dr. Wilson K. Aruasa, MBS, EBS

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