Muslim Leader Moves to Court Seeking Reconstruction of Eldoret Mosque Committee
The North Rift Youth Daawa Group Secretary-General Jamal Diriwo Omari has moved to court seeking orders for the reconstituting of the Muslim Association Mosque Committee Eldoret.
In a petition filed before the Eldoret High Court on July 21, 2021, under certificate of urgency, Diriwo also wants a permanent injunction issued against 8 current association trustees, from occupying the office as they have “breached/ contravened and/or abused Chapter Six of the Constitution and hence unfit to Hold offices of the Trustees.”
He claims the trustees namely Mahmud Jama, Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Hajj Isaack, Idris Salim Keitany, Swaleh Chepkeitany, Mohamed Ghani, Abdulai Jama, and Abdi Omar have jointly and severally breached the Constitution and Rules and Regulations of Muslim Association Eldoret Jamia Mosque Committee and have betrayed the trust bestowed upon them by the Constitution in regard to managing the association’s properties.
“Respondent’s properties have been misappropriated and/or illegally transferred without any accountability whatsoever and involvement of the members of the Association to the detriment of the 1st Respondent and Muslim Community at large.
“the 2ND -9TH Respondents have never carried out an audit of the financial books/records whatsoever and as such, the affairs of the 1st Respondent is blatantly breached of its Constitution and Rules and Regulations,” notes the petition in part.
The Muslim leader further accuses the trustees of failing to re-register the association and wants the court to issue an order for its reconstruction and directing elections to be conducted.
“Respondents have failed, ignored, refused and/or declined to re-register the 1st Respondent with the Registrar of Societies whereas, its term as since expired, lapsed and hence the 1st Respondent is at the verge of extinction/death,” reads part of the petition.
Other orders that Diriwo is seeking include demolition of the structures/shops built in the compound and/or within the premises of the Jamia Mosque Eldoret.
The petition is also seeking an interim injunction directing that an interim caretaker committee be appointed to hold office for the association pending the hearing and determination of the application between parties.
It also wants an auditor appointed to conduct an audit of the association’s financial statement and report to the court pending the hearing and determination of the application.
According to the North Rift Youth Daawa Group leader, Muslim Association Mosque Committee Eldoret properties, wealth, finances are public property for the Muslim community and as such should be properly accounted for to benefit the poor, orphans, widows, paying salaries of Imams and madrasa teachers within all the surrounding mosques and Muslims community at large.
The court will hear the case on 27th, July, 2021 .