Nairobi Barber surprised his girlfriend with a brand new car after he made Kes 7 Million in 10 Month working on his side hustles


A 25 year old Nairobi Barber by Stephen Oduor has shocked many people after he surprised his girlfriend of 1 year with a brand new car. According to him, he says he has managed to earn so much that he would wish to enjoy it with his girl friend who he say he loved so much. We meet with him so that he can narrate his side of story. 

” My name is Stephen Oduor and am 25 years old. While in college i studied hairstyling which i was passionate about and that how i ended up being a barber. Business became really bad when corona virus came to Kenya and this forced me to look for other ways of generating income. Early last year a client came to our barber shop driving a sleeky Mercedes Benz. From the looks i could tell he was below 25 years old. I started wondering what kind of a job that such a young could be doing in order to drive search. I could here him talk over the phone and he accidentally mention the word Zumo News. I later inquired from him what Zumo News was and he said an online job. That night after going home i started doing more research about this online job and realized it was something that i could also do. I could read positively reviews on social media the way Zumo News was changing people’s life and i became really interested,” he narrates.

For beginners, Zumo News is an online job that allows its members to earn money reading news, sharing on Facebook/Whatsapp and affiliate commission when you invite people to join. They pay Kes 300 for every person that you invite to join hence if you invite 10 people a day that alone will earn you Kes 3,000 clean money.

“To get started with Zumo News all i needed was an laptop, internet connection and an Mpesa line for receiving payments. I paid Kes 1300 that was required as one-time registration fee and started working immediately. I received my first payment of kes 55,000 after 10 days of joining and within the first month alone i had already made more than Kes 187,000 clean money. All this i earned while just working at home during my part-time. At this point i was really excited since i could tell that i had landed on an honest online job. Within working on Zumo News for 10 months i managed to earn more than Kes 7 Million which i used to buy my first car and a piece of land where i intend to build my dream home,” he adds.

The good thing with Zumo News is that it can been done from anywhere and by anybody as long as you are willing to learn, hence you don’t need any academic qualifications for you to get started.

“I have been in Zumo News for 10 months now and it has never disappointed me even once. This online job is real and legit and would urge anybody willing to make an extra income online to give it a try. The good thing with Zumo News is that it does not interfere with my work since i do it part-time. Initially i used to live in a tiny bed-sitter but thanks to Zumo News i am able to afford a 4 bed-room house where the rent is Kes 50,000.I don’t know how my life would have been if it was not for this online job. I would urge anybody looking to make an extra income online to try Zumo News and you will never regret it. Last month i decided to buy my girlfriend of 1 year a brand news car during her birthday and Neighbours started to speculate that i had joined illuminati which was not the case ,” he says.

If you wish to make some good money online, then Register on Zumo News and get started.

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