Nairobi Single Mothers Lobby Group Exposes Corruption and Misconduct Allegations


Against Muthoni Ouko
-The Nairobi Single Mothers Lobby Group, a dedicated advocate for the rights and welfare of single mothers and their children in Nairobi County, is shedding light on serious allegations of corruption and misconduct involving Muthoni Ouko, a former Nairobi County Minister of Education.

Alleged Embezzlement of Bursary Funds:The Nairobi Single Mothers Lobby Group has uncovered disturbing allegations of embezzlement of bursary funds by
Muthoni Ouko, amounting to tens of millions of shillings. This misuse of public funds has deprived countless children of the educational support they desperately need.

Irregular Reappointment and Earning:Our investigation has revealed irregularities surrounding Muthoni Ouko’s reappointment as Minister for Education and her subsequent earning irregularities. These actions undermine the integrity of government institutions and erode public trust.

Involvement in Shadowy School Feeding Enterprise:Muthoni Ouko’s alleged involvement in running a private shadowy school feeding enterprise has raised serious
concerns. Her recent lawsuit against Governor Sakaja’s Dishi Na County program suggests ulterior motives driven by personal gain rather than genuine concern for the welfare of Nairobi’s children.

Joining Opposition Outfit ODM for Selfish Reasons:** The Nairobi Single Mothers Lobby Group condemns Muthoni Ouko’s recent affiliation with the opposition outfit ODM for selfish reasons. This opportunistic move further undermines her credibility and demonstrates a lack of commitment to ethical leadership.

“We cannot tolerate corruption and misconduct in our government institutions, especially when it affects the most vulnerable members of our society,” stated i as the Chairperson of the Nairobi Single Mothers Lobby Group. “Muthoni Ouko’s actions betray the trust of the people of Nairobi and jeopardize the future of our children.”

The Nairobi Single Mothers Lobby Group calls for a thorough investigation into these allegations and urges the relevant authorities to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. Our organization remains committed to advocating for transparency, accountability, and justice for all single-parent households in Nairobi County.

Hadijah Muhia
Nairobi Single Mothers Lobby Group

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