Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris Empowers Youth Through MSME Support


Nairobi Woman Representative Esther Passaris is spearheading efforts to empower young people in Nairobi through micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Recognizing the pivotal role these enterprises play in fostering sustainable development, Passaris is committed to promoting them across all 17 Nairobi County Constituencies.

Her initiative focuses particularly on supporting micro and startup enterprises by providing essential equipment such as carwash machines and tanks, chairs and tents, and shaving kits. These resources are intended to enable entrepreneurs to support their livelihoods in the rapidly evolving business landscape of Nairobi.

Supported by the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF), Passaris’s program aims to reach out to eight teams per constituency, providing them with the necessary tools to kickstart or expand their businesses. Additionally, Passaris has also allocated funds for the provision of football kits to encourage sports activities within the communities.

The initiative commenced with a rollout in the Roysambu and Ruaraka Constituencies, where Passaris personally engaged with beneficiaries and emphasized the importance of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth and social empowerment.

Speaking about her vision, Passaris stated, “Empowering youth through MSME support is crucial for building a prosperous and inclusive society. By providing them with the tools and resources they need, we can unlock their potential and contribute to the overall development of Nairobi.”

Passaris’s commitment to empowering youth and promoting entrepreneurship reflects a concerted effort to address unemployment and economic challenges facing young people in Nairobi. Through strategic partnerships and targeted interventions, she aims to create a conducive environment for youth-led enterprises to thrive and contribute to the socio-economic advancement of the county.

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