Nyali MP Urges Youths to brave Dialogue


Nyali Member of Parliament Mohammed Ali has called upon Kenyan youths to prioritize dialogue and cooperation with the government following the successful outcome of nationwide protests against the Finance Bill 2024.

The protests, which saw widespread participation from the youth demographic, culminated in significant concessions from Parliament, including the complete withdrawal of the Finance Bill. Addressing the media today, MP Mohammed Ali praised the determination and impact of the youth in influencing legislative decisions.

“The voices of our youth have been heard loud and clear. Their activism played a crucial role in the withdrawal of the finance bill, demonstrating the power of constructive engagement,” Ali remarked.

Ali extended his condolences to families who lost loved ones and expressed sympathy to those injured during the demonstrations. “To those who suffered loss and injury, our hearts go out to you. We stand in solidarity with you during this challenging time,” he stated.

However, Ali cautioned against the destruction of property, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding public and private assets. Citing examples of countries marred by political turmoil, he underscored the need for national unity and stability.

“We must cherish and protect our nation. Let’s not jeopardize our future with acts of vandalism. History shows us the devastating consequences of instability in countries like Liberia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Somalia,” Ali cautioned.

In urging for calm and cooperation, Ali called upon all citizens to support President William Ruto’s commitment to engaging with the youth. “Let’s give the President the opportunity to address our concerns through dialogue. It’s crucial that we work together to build a prosperous future for Kenya,” he emphasized.

Ali also announced plans to engage directly with young people across Mombasa County to promote peace and understanding. “I will be visiting communities in Mombasa to listen to our youth and encourage them to embrace peaceful means of expression,” he added.

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