President Ruto Makes 10 New Appointments Here Is The List of the New Appointees


President William Ruto has made 10 new appointments.

Here are the 10 appointments:

Mr. Felix K. Koskei – Chief of Staff and Head of the Public Service

Mr. Josphat Koli Nanok – Deputy Chief of Staff

Dr. David K. Ndii – Chairperson, President’s Council of Economic Advisors

Dr. Augustine Cheruiyot – Senior Advisor & Head of Economic Transformation Secretariat

Dr. Kamau Thugge – Senior Advisor and Head of Fiscal Affairs & Budget Policy

Mr. Mohammed Hassan – Member, President’s Council of Economic Advisors

Dr. Nancy Laibuni – Associate Member, President’s Council of Economic Advisors

Katoo Ole Metito – Statehouse Comptroller

Mr. Hussein Mohamed, MBS – Statehouse Spokesperson

Mr. David Mugonyi – Head of the Presidential Communication Service

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