Residents Applaud Governor Natembeya for Road Network Improvements in Kwanza


Residents of Kwanza Subcounty in Trans Nzoia County have expressed their satisfaction with the ongoing road maintenance efforts by the County Government, particularly praising Governor George Natembeya for his commitment to improving infrastructure.

Monicah Sitienei, a resident of Kapomboi, lauded the recent maintenance of the Marinda Junction-Chief Mutende Road, emphasizing how it has significantly enhanced accessibility for the community. Previously, the road was virtually unusable, especially during the rainy season, forcing residents to endure months of isolation. Sitienei’s sentiments were echoed by numerous residents who hailed the governor’s intervention, which has transformed their daily lives.

However, amidst the accolades, residents urged Governor Natembeya to consider the establishment of a chepchoina stream culvert bridge in Kapomboi, facilitating connectivity between Kapomboi and Marinda areas. This plea underscores the continued need for infrastructure upgrades to further enhance mobility and socio-economic development in the region.

In neighboring Keiyo Ward, Janet Khavoshi led locals in expressing gratitude for the sponsorship of the Virginia-Meteitei Culvert Bridge construction by Governor Natembeya. The completion of this vital infrastructure has not only improved connectivity but has also mitigated the risk of loss of life during heavy rains, previously a significant concern for residents.

The recent inspection conducted by the Governor’s Delivery Unit, led by Samuel Ereng, assessed the progress of various road projects, including the Marinda Junction-Kwa Abraham-Kwa Swamp-Kapomboi and Kobos Centre-Faith Care Church Umoja roads. This proactive approach highlights the administration’s commitment to ensuring quality infrastructure delivery and accountability.

Members of the inspection committee, including engineering professionals and procurement officers, meticulously reviewed completed projects, signaling the imminent commencement of payments to contractors. Chief Officer Joseph Wasike affirmed that payments would promptly follow the inspection, underscoring the government’s adherence to timelines and project completion standards.

The residents’ testimonies underscore the transformative impact of infrastructure development on local communities, emphasizing the importance of continued investment in road networks to foster regional growth and prosperity. Governor Natembeya’s proactive stance and commitment to improving infrastructure have not only earned him praise but also instilled hope for a brighter future among residents of Kwanza Subcounty.

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