Road accident deaths to be declared a national disaster


Road accidents deaths has been ranked the top killer in the country taking more than 6,000 lives and over 12,000 got permanent disability every year, loss of property and revenue to the government.

According to the latest data from Road Safety Association of Kenya 728 deaths have been recorded since 1st January to February 23 2024. Showing that the country will record a high number at the end of the year if strict measures will not taken seriously.

RSAK estimates that over 7,000 people died on road accidents every year and dumble number got parmanet disability children left orphaned many left widowed and families deprive loss of their breadwinners.

Pedestrians are most vulnerable by road accident deaths with many killed at around 6:00pm-10:00pm being considered as peak accidents with drunk driving and careless road users.

Speaking in Ruiru Road Safety Association of Kenya Chairman David Kiarie said that the government have failed to protect its citizens adding that many accidents in the country are caused by ignorance and negligence from road users and government, Kiarie emphasized on importance of giving correct data saying that the figure given out is incredible. He said many accidental deaths goes unreapoted making it difficult to get collect correct statistics.

“1.5 million vehicles were supposed to undego inspection last year but only 300,000 inspected and this showing 1.2 million vehicles are illegally on our roads. NTSA has failed to enforce law to road users and this reckless mistakes are the ones contributing to road accidents. This shows that government is killing it’s people” Kiarie said.

The age between 18- 45 years are the most vulnerable to road accidents with majority being tax payers and breadwinners to many families. Many households are now grappling with cost of living as majority left poor Kenya loses over 60 billion every year from
road accidents which is estimated 5 percent of Gross Domestic product.

Many companies fail particularly insurance companies due to arising cases from road accidents.

Kiarie is calling the government and all road safety initiative to work together to mitigate this jeopardizing menace saying that road safety to be declared a national sisaster

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