Ruto’s Administration Accused of Failing to Tackle the Cost of Living


DAPK leader Eugene Wamalwa launched a scathing attack on the Kenya Kwanza government today, accusing it of failing to address the crippling issue of high cost of living that continues to plague Kenyans.

Speaking after attending the Andrew Kutitila Super Cup finals in Sikhendu, Wamalwa declared that the government has turned a deaf ear to the cries of the people and urged an end to the relentless tax hikes burdening Kenyans.

Wamalwa squarely blamed the Finance Act 2023 for exacerbating the cost-of-living crisis. He expressed dashed hopes for tax reductions and lamented the government’s apparent apathy towards the plight of Kenyans struggling under a deteriorating economy.

He pointed out that prices of essential goods, like oil, soar beyond those of neighboring East African nations, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

“We naively believed the Kenya Kwanza government would bring relief, little did we know their ‘bottom-up’ policy meant hiking prices from the bottom up,” Wamalwa quipped bitterly. He went on to claim that the government harbors sinister plans to further squeeze taxpayers through the upcoming Finance Act 2024.

Disappointed by the Bomas meeting’s failure to address the cost of living, Wamalwa criticized the National Dialogue Committee Report (NADCO) report for focusing solely on personal matters like leadership positions.

He reaffirmed the Azimio coalition’s unwavering unity and vowed to take to the streets once again if necessary to pressure the government into curbing the cost-of-living spiral.

Wamalwa emphasized that the Azimio coalition will prioritize issues affecting Kenyans throughout the year. He downplayed concerns about the coalition’s potential collapse after Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka announced his 2027 presidential bid.

Wamalwa assured that the coalition remains intact and that internal democratic processes will determine the right candidate to carry the Azimio flag in the next elections.

Wamalwa praised Sikhendu MCA Andrew Kutitila for organizing the Super Cup, recognizing its role in nurturing young talent and fostering sporting development in the region.

Trans Nzoia Governor George Natembeya echoed the sentiment, pledging his party’s support for Wamalwa’s political ambitions, citing his leadership qualities.

He also outlined his administration’s commitment to promoting sports by building more facilities like the Kenyatta Stadium in Kitale and establishing a county team to compete at local and international levels.

Kutitila, himself declaring his intention to contest the Kiminini parliamentary seat, rallied the community, the Mulembe nation, to unite behind strong leaders and clinch the country’s top seat.

He vowed to prevent the Kiminini seat from falling into the hands of other parties and reaffirmed the DAP’s decision to back Wamalwa for president, extolling his leadership capabilities.

The Sikhendu MCA declared that Western Kenya will no longer be relegated to the sidelines of national leadership.

He fiercely criticized the FORD Kenya leadership for failing the region, citing the county’s dismal ranking under former Governor Patrick Khaemba’s neglectful reign.

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