Sixty-nine Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers from Samia Sub County started a two-day induction course at Chef West Hotel in Busia town that is funded by World Vision in partnership with the County Government of Busia.

The same exercise was executed to 119 ECDE teachers from Teso North Sub County last week. World Vision operates in the two sub counties. Teso North is manned by Jane Adongo with Samia under the tutelage of Benard Okotsi.

The teachers are part of 533 whose terms were changed from contract to permanent and penstionable to bring to 972 the number that Governor, H.E Sospeter Ojaamong’s administration has employed since the advent of devolution in 2013.

Director ECDE, Douglas Barasa who opened the event told the teachers that delivering the curriculum should be their core mandate and to get new skills instead of sitting idle.

” Don’t sit and enjoy thinking all is well.Ensure you have laptop, IPAD or smartphone to acquire digital skills, and no doubt teaching will be fine and enjoyable,” he said, urging them to ensure CBC is implemented to the letter.

He added: ” Those who are computer illiterate should look for institutions to upscale their skills. ICT certificate is now a must for teachers; the County Government will from January, 2023 send teachers to DICECE to aquire computer skills and other relevant courses.”

Barasa told ECDE teachers to observe professionalism and respect officers in the department and heads of their institutions and above all to observe dressing code.

On the resurgence of another wave of Coronavirus pandemic, the Director told teachers to take precautions by starting to wear masks and observe all Ministry of Health guidelines including having hand washing points in their centres and observing social distance at all times.

” I was a victim of this pandemic and it’s by God’s grace that I am still alive. Covid-19 doesn’t segregate the rich or the poor, thus the need to take precautionary measures to avoid contracting it,” he said.

Bunywang’a Primary ECDE teacher Imelda Wanyama said the workshop will enable them make their schools self sustainable, noting that they will also be able to spend money from parents prudently.

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