Spotlight on MSEs in the Dairy Value Chain


MSEA Tharaka Nithi office recently visited Magut Dairy Farm, in the Muungoni region of Chuka Igambang’ombe constituency.

Established just three years ago with a modest start of three cows, the farm has rapidly expanded and now has over 30 cows, producing an impressive 600 liters of milk daily. The farm has also become a significant local employer, providing jobs for 10 people.

The farm currently houses two breeds: Friesian and Jersey cows. Looking ahead, the farm’s owner envisions a substantial expansion. He plans to scale up operations to host over 200 cows, targeting a daily milk production of 6,000 liters.

The farm aims to fully mechanize its processes, ensuring efficiency and sustainability. The owner has expressed a keen interest in accessing KJET financing through MSEA to realize this ambitious vision.

His goal is not only to enhance productivity but also to create more employment opportunities for the youth in Tharaka Nithi County.

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