Stakeholder Engagement In Quest For Attainment Of Eldoret City Status Kicks Off


A strategic gateway to East Africa and a fast growing economic hub are among unique qualities that Eldoret is banking on as it positions itself as Kenya’s fifth city.

The town, perched at the pathway to Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, and South Sudan and its business vibrancy are among a cocktail of qualities giving the farming town push-up to its elevation.

Speaking during the launch of the citizen’s participation on the conferment of City Status to Eldoret, Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii attested that the uniqueness of Eldoret should be a plus for its elevation.

Eldoret is not only a fast growing economic hub for up to eight counties, but also a gateway to East Africa. These are some of the qualities that should give us an advantage,” said Bii, adding that his government is working on meeting the set requirements.

Bii said he is keen on environmental transformation to make Eldoret the cleanest city, making structural accessibility with persons with disability and paving the streets and modify the buildings to make the town beautiful are some of the efforts tasks.

He was categorical that they are working with stakeholders including the National Government and the private sector to develop housing schemes to address the challenge of informal settlements.

Deputy Governor Engineer John Barorot said that the key change in Eldoret will be the improvement of services.

He added that region is cosmopolitan and keen on integration of Kenya’s people which encompasses culture, education and medical services.

“We wish to transform the once farmers town into one of the most attractive cities in Kenya and the surrounding counties and countries,” he noted.

Eldoret Municipality chairman, Julius Kitur and Eldoret Town Manager, Tito Koiyet, drummed up support for the attainment of city status. They said it wil be a game changer to citizens.

Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI), Uasin Gishu chair, Willy Kenei, who chairs committee for city status, said the elevation will attract funding.

Some of the other activities that the County Government will do shall include, collaboration with stakeholders for painting of building for aesthetic appeal, marketing cultural memorabilia to promote heritage, mitigating effects of climate change through planting trees and expansion of back lanes to provide more space for business.

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