Stakeholders Call for Gazette of EPR Regulation and Full Implementation of Single-Use Plastic Ban


The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) hosted the second Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulation Sensitization Workshop in Mombasa. This event, funded by USAID under Prosper Africa, aimed to raise awareness about EPR’s mandate among private sector entities.

The workshop emphasized proactive compliance among producers and facilitated a dialogue between the private sector and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), the regulatory authority. Notably, stakeholders urged for the gazettement of the EPR regulations and the 100% implementation of the ban on single-use plastic carrier bags.

Karin Boomsma, the Sustainable Inclusive Business Project Director, highlighted that EPR aims to promote conscious material usage, resource conservation, and informed design decisions to encourage reduction, reuse, repurposing, and recycling.

Dr. Ayub Macharia, Director of Environmental Compliance at NEMA, acknowledged Kenya’s progress in EPR implementation but stressed the need for further action, urging producers to ensure waste collectors recognize their products and that benefits reach waste pickers.

Georgina Wachuka, Regulatory and Compliance Executive at the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), called for the finalization of EPR regulations to support the operationalization of the National Waste Management Act of 2022. She emphasized the private sector’s commitment to sustainable waste management and urged collaboration with NEMA.

Joyce Gachugi, CEO of the Packaging Producer Responsibility Organization (PAKPRO), echoed the call for gazettement of EPR regulations to facilitate the deployment of financial resources for packaging pollution management across all Kenyan counties.

Rogers Wangila, Head of Solid Waste Management in Mombasa County Government, emphasized the need for collective action with the private sector to implement the Mombasa County Solid Waste Management Act alongside the EPR regulation.

The workshop, attended by stakeholders from NEMA, Coast Region County Governments, businesses, and waste management actors, highlighted ongoing EPR-focused initiatives despite delayed gazettement of regulations.

In conclusion, stakeholders emphasized the urgency of gazetting EPR regulations and ensuring full compliance with the ban on single-use plastic carrier bags to address Kenya’s sustainability challenges effectively.

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