The Ministry Has Prepared and Submitted to African Development Bank a Proposal For Detailed Design For Expansion of Kerugoya -Kutus Water Supply Project


Cabinet Secretary for Water, sanitation and irrigation Zachariah Mwangi Njeru, EGH today appeared before the Senate plenary to respond to various questions from Senator for Kirinyaga James Murango on the water projects budgeted by the National Government in Kirinyaga County in the financial year (FY) 2023/2024.

The cabinet Secretary was asked to Provide details of all water projects earmarked for funding by the National Government in Kirinyaga County in the financial year 2023-2024.

Responding to the question, the CS stated that the National Government has allocated a budget of KShs 135,000,000 for the construction of Ngariama Njukiini Water Supply.
The project is being implemented by Tana Water Works Development Agency (TWWDA).

The scope of works includes Construction of Intake Works, Laying of 7km Raw Water Gravity Main Construction of 4,200m’/day Water Treatment Works, laying of 15km Treated Water Gravity Main, laying of 5km Mbiri, Gichonjo Distribution Line Laying of 4km Kiangoro Distribution Line and also rehabilitation of 3 Existing Storage Tanks.

The Project is located ni Ngariama and Njukiini Wards of Gichugu constituency and upon completion, it will benefit the same wards with clean and potable water.

The targeted beneficiaries are approximately 14,000 households including major learning institutions in the supply area.

The Project commenced on 22rd March, 2023 with a contract duration of 18 months and will be completed on 22nd September, 2024.
However, the Project has experienced challenges contributing to slow progress of works.

The overall progress achieved to date is 10 per cent. The challenges experienced include: Delay in obtaining the Special Use License for Kenya Forest Services (KFS).

The license was eventually granted on 2 9 September 2023.

Although TWWDA received the Special Use License as aforesaid, the works could not commence because the license required TWWDA to make payments to KFS. TWWDA was unable to make these payments due to delay in disbursement of ex-chequer funds.

To forestall further delay, TWWDA requested KFS to allow the construction of two gates at Kathandeni Forest which would open up access to the intake works and water treatment works while awaiting the disbursements. TWWDA has given KFS its undertaking to make the payments once the disbursement is received.

Despite the said challenges, the following has been achieved: Obtaining of the Special Use License from Kenya Forest Service on 29th September 2023, mobilization of plant, equipment and personnel by the Contractor, Excavation, laying and backfilling of 2km of clear On whether there plans to supply water to residents of Muratiri area in Gichugu Constituency through the Kerugoya-Kutus water supply project,the CS clarified that African Development Bank (AfDB) a proposal for detailed design for expansion of Kerugoya-Kutus Water Supply Project to benefit residents of Muratiri area.

This will be done through laying of water supply distribution lines from an off-take point along water transmission mains of the Kerugoya-Kutus Water Supply Project.

This Proposal is currently being assessed by the Africa Development Bank. It is estimated that the cost for the proposed Project si KShs 198,000,000. This amount is to be financed by the African Development Bank, while the Government of Kenya is expected to provide KShs.

40,000,000 counterpart funding for wayleave and land acquisition costs.

The actual scope of works will be determined after approval and detailed design is undertaken. However, the scope of works outlined in the Concept Brief submitted to the Bank is Construction of offtake chamber and associated works, Excavation, pipe laying and backfilling for 28.4km pipeline, Construction of road and river crossings, Construction of valve chambers, Installation of pipeline appurtenances.

The Project will commence by July, 2024 and is expected to be completed before the conclusion of the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program in December, 2025.

Upon completion, the Project is projected to benefit approximately 50,000 people in Raimu, Rwambiti, Kariru, Kirerema, Guama, Kiaruri, Ndunduni, Gatu, Gachigi, Ngiroche, Kutus, Mikarara,
Rukenya, Nuku East, Njuku West sub locations of Kirinyaga East Sub-County.

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