There is no Urgency For Importing GMO Maize-Governor Natembeya


Trans-Nzoia governor George Natembeya now says there is no urgency in importing the Genetically modified Organisms (GMO) maize.


Speaking to the press  Natembeya said the CS  for Agriculture Mithika Linturi should move at speed and stop the GMO  maize importation.


“I wish to submit my contribution toward the ongoing discussion on Genetically modified Organisms (GMO)debate which has attracted the national attention. To begin with, Kenya has no urgency or emergency of importing GMO food instead the government should ensure, timely empowerment of farmers especially in supplying of subsidised farm inputs to improve local produces,” said the Trans-Nzoia Governor.


He says Trans-nzoia County is Kenya’s food basket  but however farmers from the region are not sufficiently catered for.


“ I implore the national government to control market price to curb fluctuation by exorbitant middlemen during bumper harvest. Who inturn hoards the produces creating false impression and artificial shortage,” he added.

He called upon the CS Agriculture to stop the GMO maize importation with immediate effect.


“I call upon Agriculture Cabinet Secretary, Hon Mithika Lithuri to move with swift to stop any importation plan of GMO food instead utilize the existing produces.GMO food issue should be discussed exhaustively with relative stakeholders considering pros and cons of the importation to the health of innocent consumers,” he said.


He said that Globally GMO food is meant to increase animal feeds, therefore proper policy and guideline should be put in place before embracing influx of the modified Organisms to our markets.


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