This is why the Asian girl got attracted to a poor  Bukusu boy from Webuye


News about a Bukusu poor boy Timothy having married a woman from an Asian community broke out and made headlines for months.

It was unbelievable that a poor man from outskirts of Webuye town and who was working for the Asian family in one of their cane crushing firms had finally found the love of his life with a daughter of his boss. It was a story that attracted excitement from
everyone across the country.

In one of the interviews with the two, the Asian girl Zarika was quoted by one of the Daily’s saying she will never love any other man and that despite her family being against the decision, she will remain with Timothy the rest of her life.
“I will marry Timothy I don’t care what my wealth family says about it but I have already made my choice,” she said.

Timothy who by then lived in a grass thatched room, on the other hand, could not gather exactly what led to the rich Asian daughter to love him, “I love her and I think she means what she says. I am humbled”.

However, it has now emerged that something usually happens before such rare love occurs between people. According to marriage analysts who we spoke to, in most cases one of the spouses must have used a powerful love spell to get an attention of someone
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