Trans Nzoia County Government Trains Climate Change Committee Members


The Trans Nzoia County government, in collaboration with the Department of Water, Environment, and Natural Resources, organized a training workshop for members of the ward climate change planning committees. The workshop, funded by the World Bank’s FLOCCA program, aimed to equip committee members with the necessary skills to tackle climate change challenges effectively.

During the two-day training held at the Kiminini Catholic Church hall, Patrick Gacheru, the County CEC member for Water, Environmental, and Natural Resources, stressed the importance of the committee members’ role in identifying climate change resilience projects. Gacheru emphasized the need for collective action to combat the increasing effects of climate change, including prolonged droughts and rainfall shortages.

Gacheru said, “We formed the ward climate change committee as the lowest unit to reach the common mwananchi (citizen). Matters climate change worldwide has generated a lot of effects, such as droughts, rapid weather patterns, and floods. That’s why we cannot be left behind in Trans Nzoia.” He also highlighted Governor George Natembeya’s commitment to planting one million trees annually.

Dorothy Nyukuri, the Chief Officer for Water, Environment, and Natural Resources in Trans Nzoia County, emphasized the significance of homegrown solutions to address climate change. Nyukuri called upon the committee members to provide solutions based on their understanding of the community’s needs and challenges. She urged them to act as leaders and ambassadors at the grassroots level.

Nyukuri stated, “You were selected because you know better where the shoe pinches the most. We want you to come up with solutions to climate change because you are passionate and leaders in your own capacity.”

The training sessions will take place across the county, and committee members will be divided into seven clusters. The aim is to create a comprehensive document that includes proposals from all wards.

Sarah Kogo, the Administrative Director of the Department of Water, emphasized the government’s commitment to supporting the committee members. Kogo stated, “We are here to empower you, and we will provide the necessary resources and support to address the effects of climate change. Your role as ambassadors at the grassroots level is crucial.”

The training was attended by county officials, including the Director of Environment, Kiminini Sub-county Administrator Chemaiyek, and Saboti Sub-county Administrator Enock Nyaroo. The officials expressed their confidence in the committee members and their ability to drive change at the community level.

The Trans Nzoia County government’s efforts to empower and engage the ward climate change planning committees reflect a proactive approach to address the challenges posed by climate change. By involving community leaders and fostering local solutions, the county aims to create a resilient and sustainable future for its residents.

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