Trans Nzoia Junior Secondary School Teachers Petition County for Support, Chief Sichangi Pledges Assistance


Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers in Trans Nzoia County took a decisive step on Monday by presenting a petition to the county government, seeking vital support in resolving their longstanding grievances. Led by Aaron Wafula, Walter Namianya, and Jacinta Kibonei, the teachers handed over the document to Governance Chief Officer Sammy Sichangi, acting on behalf of Governor George Natembeya.

Central to the petition were the teachers’ concerns over their current monthly salary of sh.17,000, which they unanimously deemed insufficient to meet their basic needs. Additionally, they expressed disappointment over the broken promise by the government to transition them to permanent status after two years of service. Criticism was also directed towards the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for allowing Members of Parliament to distribute employment letters at public events, such as funerals.

Aaron Wafula, representing the collective voice of the teachers, raised a pertinent question, “It is shocking that TSC gives MPs the mandate to issue out letters. And by doing so, only those who are friendly to the politicians will benefit. What about us from humble backgrounds?”

Walter Namianya further lamented the consequences of this practice, highlighting the disparity it creates among educators. He noted that teachers who graduated as far back as 2016 are still trapped in temporary employment, while their counterparts who graduated as recently as 2022 have already secured permanent positions within the TSC.

Responding to the teachers’ grievances, Chief Officer Sammy Sichangi acknowledged their right to peaceful protest and demonstration. However, he stressed the importance of conducting such activities within the bounds of the law. Sichangi urged the teachers to embrace dialogue as a means to resolve their concerns amicably.

In a promising gesture, Sichangi assured the teachers that the county government, in collaboration with representatives from the education sector, would convene to deliberate on how best to advocate for the government’s attention to address the teachers’ issues comprehensively.

As the petition ignites hope for change among the JSS teachers in Trans Nzoia County, the promise of support from Chief Officer Sammy Sichangi offers a glimmer of optimism for a resolution to their grievances. The collective determination of the educators underscores their commitment to advocating for fair treatment and recognition within the education sector.

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