Two Teso Sub Branch Football Clubs and Katakwa Secondary Volleyball Team Kitted by Sports CS Ababu


Two clubs participating in the Teso North Sub Branch League and Katakwa Secondary School volleyball team have received full kits from Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba.

Mwari FC, which is currently leading in the sub branch league and Aedomoru, the other sub branch participants received full uniforms from the CS following request by the sub branch chairman Victor Ochakala.

Mr Ochakala, while thanking Hon. Namwamba said they wouldn’t have succeeded without the help of stakeholders and well-wishers.

” The CS has recognized and realized the efforts put in having football played at every village across the sub county with over 35 clubs featuring in the league,” he said, adding that the region leads in having many teams participate in the sub branch, branch and regional leagues.

He added: ” Mwari FC, despite topping the log, had no uniform, thus his appeal to the sports CS to intervene. Aedomoru, apart from lacking playing kits, has no playing field. They trek for 2km and crossing the river to play their matches away at Keng’atunyi primary school.

Ochakala said Pool FC from Amoni in Malaba received two balls courtesy of Hon Ababu Namwamba, adding that selection for Moses Kuria soccer tournament will be held on 8th June 2024, conceding confidence of success in the tournament.

” I have also picked the technical bench to spearhead the Moses Kuria tournament. CAF C trained Francis Otwane, who led FC Amagoro to victory in the Branch League Zone A, will be the head coach with Albert Nyaunga of runners-up Kokare FC as his deputy. Livingstone Emedel will patron the team,” he said.

Ochakala said he recognises the efforts of their leaders, including FKF Branch chairman Hillary Musundi, vice chairman Michael Ikolak, and Secretary General Reuben Olita who gave them leeway to discharge their duties diligently.

Ababu also donated full uniforms and playing boots to Katakwa Secondary School boys’ volleyball team that won the zonal championships and are set to participate in the sub county school games on Saturday at St Joseph’s Kocholia Secondary School grounds.

Hon Ababu, while handing over the uniforms, said he would be happy if the team qualifies for the nationals, pledging to support them all the way.

” You are my team. Don’t let me down; keep winning because you did an excellent job in the zonal championships to qualify for the sub county games,” he said.

Katakwa Secondary School captain Elvis Osuru said they will not let down the Cabinet Secretary, who has donated them uniforms and boots.

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