Uasin Gishu County Listed 2nd in Gender-based Violence


Uasin Gishu county has been listed as second in terms of the gender-based violence cases that were reported before, during and after the 2022 general elections, by United Nations Funds for Population Activities (UNFPA).


Catherine Lagat, Sexual reproductive health and gender based violence co-ordinator for UNFPA in Uasin Gishu County , says sexual violence is the most reported form of GBV.


However, according to UNFPA, this data is not a true representation of the picture since some cases were not reported.


“The data doesn’t represent the entire picture of the EGBV situation in the country nor the hotspot counties. In our considered opinion, there are cases of EGBV that occur in the communities but are not reported. Those that are reported, are reported in different referral points including; the chief office, GBV actors, the police and the health facilities. Some of these cases are “resolved” at that level and therefore not captured in the data available (the 1195) to us,” Said Lagat


Lagat notes that Gender-based violence is increasingly becoming visible, it ranges from intimidation harassment, physical and sexual violence against women in public life.


Elections are the main event by which formal political power is established and voting rights are realized, violence against women in elections continues to remain the highest barrier to women realizing their political and civil rights,


“Gender-based violence is increasingly becoming visible, it ranges from intimidation harassment, physical and sexual violence against women in public life. Elections are the main event by which formal political power is established and voting rights are realized, violence against women in elections continues to remain the highest barrier to women realizing their political and civil rights and defilement always take place at home as a means of controlling women’s political persuasion and participation in elections “Said Lagat


Lindah Madegwa, the county director of gender in Uasin Gishu county, says gender-based violence cases against men are rarely reported because of cultural beliefs where men are supposed to be strong.


“Most men who have been victims of gender-based violence, whether physically or emotionally, fear to report the cases because of toxic masculinity where men have to be strong and enduring. Those cases that are reported are either cases of extreme abuse or where the effects of abuse begin manifesting later in life,” she said.

Linda has cited that HIV infections and gender-based violence are closely linked.

“Most of the time, you find that HIV infections occur through sexual relations. If you find teenagers who are pregnant it means that they had sexual intercourse with someone. If the person was infected, then the teenager gets infected,” said Linda.


The most common gender-based violence cases mentioned were, sexual, physical, socio economic and emotional abuse.


Most affected regions In Uasin Gishu county are densely populated estates such Huruma and Langas.


UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.


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